Drone out the Hate

Tuan Pham-Barnes
2 min readJul 24, 2020


Flash SciFi — Origins from an alternate future

Photo by Anita Denunzio on Unsplash

A buzzing vibration moved the air above like a hive of agitated bees. It got significantly louder as the train cleared its way to the next stop on The Loop’s elevated train tracks. A fleeting shadow tracked its movement and blocked the only sunlight that escaped to the street below. The floating form maintained a static hexagonal pattern, lacking any undulation.

The aircraft did not weave and bop about but continued on a seemingly pre-determined flight path. After a minute of observing its course, it appeared to be hundreds of drones, synchronized to move as a single unit. The swarm hovered over the intersection of Kinsie Street and Wabash Avenue, rotated, and headed to a hi-rise tower.

Once in the vicinity of the building’s namesake, the individual members dispersed into an orchestrated blanket of activity. A digital dance emitted a halo of red mist choreographed in a mesmerizing show that spanned over a few minutes. As each drone finished its work, it flew back into a static position, waited for others to complete their programming.

After the final drone flew into place, it triggered the formation to morph into a giant black fist. It then darted away, revealing the results of its mission. Cheers of wonderment and disbelief echoed from crowds that gathered to witness the spectacle, with phones pointed skyward.

Large red letters were added to the tower’s name vertically, spraypainted directly on the windows, sharing the letter “U” in a crossword-type configuration. The existing letters redecorated in the same color. Together it read “FUCK TRUMP.”


This event was the debut performance of the infamous DOTH8 group.



Tuan Pham-Barnes

I write code, flash fiction, commentary, and poetry; sometimes my code reads like poetry and my fiction becomes flash commentary!